The AFEA organizes an Annual Conference at a French University. The theme and location of the Conference is voted at the General Assembly.

Graduate Student Symposium

The Graduate Student Symposium is held every year, on the day before the AFEA annual conference. Doctoral students in American Studies from all over France give presentations based on their research before other young researchers and a panel of academics specialized in their particular field. The format encourages discussion and exchange in a less formal setting than the official convention workshops. Students do not present a paper as such but an outline based upon an excerpt or chapter of their dissertation stressing the state of advancement of their research and their specific approach. They are advised to formulate any difficulties they may have encountered in their research and writing.

Doctoral candidates are then invited by the AFEA to remain to attend the conference.

2010 Program, Grenoble (in French)

Programme Mercredi 26 mai 2010 : 10es Doctoriales de l’AFEA Journée consacrée aux doctorants français et européens, en deux ateliers (littérature et civilisation), avec présentations des travaux des doctorants et conférences de méthodologie. Jeudi 27 mai 2010 Accueil des participants à partir de 10 h. 14 h : Ouverture du congrès 14 h 30 : […]

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2010 Graduate Symposium

Grenoble, Wednesday, May 26, 2010 TWO PARALLEL SESSIONS IN LITERATURE AND CIVILIZATION GRADUATE SYMPOSIUM in LITERATURE Organizers : Hélène Aji (U. du Maine) & François Specq (ENS de Lyon) Respondents : Martine Chard-Hutchinson (Paris 7), Géraldine Chouard (Paris 9-Dauphine), Anne-Marie Paquet-Deyris (Paris-Ouest Nanterre) – 10:00: Alina-Laura NECHITA-MURESAN (Université de Versailles-Saint Quentin ; supervisor : Paule

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WORKSHOPS, July 21, 2009 Antoine CAZÉ (Université Denis-Diderot – Paris 7) Sites poétiques contemporains Dans une lettre adressée en 1955 à Ed Dorn, Charles Olson conseille au jeune poète de s’ancrer dans un site spécifique pour en transmuer la substance en langage : DOCUMENTS PRIMAIRES. Et s’ancrer à cet endroit représente toute une vie d’assiduité.

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2009 Graduate Student Symposium – Call for presentations

The French Association for American Studies invites doctoral students in American studies to take part in the symposium (“Doctoriales”) specifically organized on their behalf during its annual conference. This year’s workshops will be held on Wednesday May 27, 2009 (9.30 am to 6 pm.) at the Université de Franche-Comté, Besançon. The conference itself will take

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List of Workshops and Call For Papers 2009

Organisateurs scientifiques : John Dean (UVSQ,), Marie Liénard (Ecole Polytechnique) et Marie-Claude Perrin-Chenour(Paris X Nanterre) Our workshops this year have been evenly divided into three sections: Civilization, Cultural Studies, and Literature. This was done both in response to participants who labeled their work as Cultural Studies and to the inherent growth of this area. Since

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