Le droit de vote des femmes aux Etats-Unis

Chères et chers collègues,

J’ai le plaisir d’annoncer la publication de l’ouvrage collectif ci-dessous:

Linda Garbaye (dir.), Le droit de vote des femmes aux Etats-Unis 1776-1965, Paris: Ellipses, 2021.

Bien cordialement,

Linda Garbaye



1. The issue of women’s voting rights and practice in early America
Linda Garbaye

2. Sphère publique et sphère privée : suffrage féminin, genre et "culte de la domesticité"
Marine Dassé

3. The other "unfinished revolution" ? The struggle for women’s suffrage in the aftermath of the American Civil War
Pierre-François Peirano

4. The Supreme Court and women’s enfranchisement
Armand Hage

5. "Fighting this Feminist disease": the opposition to women’s suffrage from the Reconstruction to the 1920s
Anne-Sophie Leluan-Pinker

6. African American women’s struggle for woman suffrage (1890-1920)
Elise Vallier-Mathieu

7. Native American women’s struggle for the right to vote
Elisabeth Boulot

8. Black women’s struggle for the right to vote in the South in the 1960s
Elisabeth Boulot