The AFEA publishes two academic journals and sponsors and honors other collections and books. This section lists the latest AFEA publications and book prizes.
Latest AFEA journal issues
RFEA 2022/3 (N° 172)
La post-Amérique / Post-America

Transatlantica 2022/1
City Ruins in American War Narratives / Women’s Sites of Struggles for Self-Determination

RFEA 2022/2 (N° 171)
Déconstruire la vérité nue : de la nudité à la scène / Undoing Naked Truths: Nudity on Stage

Transatlantica 2021/2
Left-wing Radicalism in the United States: A Foreign Creed?

Latest AFEA/SAES Research Book Prizes

Capture: American Pursuits and the Making of a New Animal Condition
(University of Minnesota Press, 2020) 368 pages

Cécile VIDAL, directrice d’études à l’EHESS
Caribbean New Orleans : Empire, Race, and the Making of a Slave Society
Williamsburg and Chapel Hill, Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture and University of North Carolina Press, [2019], 552 p.

Other publications
Books listed below section have been hand-picked to showcase a random selection of recent publications by AFEA members. For more, visit the CFP/News website and search for publications.