A19 / vendredi 17 mars 14h-16h / Pauline Pilote (UBS), « Wizards of the West : Walter Scott et le roman hist orique américain” /Tom Nurmi (NTNU, Trondheim): “Waylaying Light: Emily Dickinson and the Sun ”

Dear Colleagues

The next session of the A19 seminar series (VALE / LARCA) will take place on Friday, 17 March at 2pm, at Université Paris Cité, Olympe de Gouges Building, room 830 and via Zoom.

A Zoom link will be posted on the A19 website a few days prior to the event.

Pauline Pilote (UBS/HCTI) will present her book, Wizards of the West : Walter Scott et le roman historique américain, ” at 2pm and Bruno Monfort (Université Paris Nanterre) will be the discussant. This first part will be in French.

The second part of the seminar will be co-hosted with the Environmental Humanities Workshop at LARCA. Tom Nurmi (NTNU, Trondheim) will give a talk titled “Waylaying Light: Emily Dickinson and the Sun.”

With all best wishes,

Thomas Constantinesco, VALE, Sorbonne Université
Cécile Roudeau, LARCA UMR 8225, Université Paris Cité