Serials and Adaptation zoom symposium

Dear all,

Here is an international zoom symposium that could be relevant for colleagues interested in adaptation and the serial form.
Click below to register for the zoom sessions.
Ariane Hudelet

Defining, Producing, Performing, Consuming, and Theorizing Serials and Adaptations

A Zoom Symposium, September 23–24, 2021

Organizers: Julie Grossman (Le Moyne College), Thomas Leitch (University of Delaware),

Iain Robert Smith (King’s College), Constantine Verevis (Monash University)

This two-day Zoom symposium, hosted by the University of Delaware, seeks to bring scholars of adaptation and seriality into an open conversation with one another, not by recommending a single master set of terms or procedures for adaptation and seriality, still less by seeking to absorb either one of them into the other, but rather by raising questions of common concern to both fields and encouraging practitioners in both to share their views and facilitate collaboration.

The symposium will feature four x 75-minute roundtables, held between 4:00pm and 7:00pm GMT over two days, September 23–24, 2021.

Each roundtable will begin with brief presentations of 5-7 minutes by scholars of seriality and adaptation, followed by a discussion in which panelists and attendees are invited to participate.


September 23, 4.00–5.30pm

Patrick Cattrysse (Universiteit Antwerpen)

Ariane Hudelet (Université de Paris)

Betty Kaklamanidou (Aristotle U of Thessaloniki)

Amanda Ann Klein (East Carolina University)

Jason Mittell (Middlebury College)

R. Barton Palmer (Clemson University)

Constantine Verevis (Monash University)


September 23, 5.30–7.00pm

Julie Grossman (Le Moyne College)

Dan Hassler-Forest (University of Utrecht)

Kyle Meikle (University of Baltimore)

Renata Kobetts Miller (City College of New York)

Akaitab Mukherjee (Vellore Institute of Technology)

Claire Perkins (Monash University)

Maria Sulimma (University of Duisburg-Essen)

Panel 3. MEDIA

September 24, 4.0­0–­5.30pm

Helen Hanson (University of Exeter)

Douglas Lanier (University of New Hampshire)

Thomas Leitch (University of Delaware)

Kathleen Loock (Leibniz University Hannover)

Dana Polan (New York University)

Shannon Wells-Lassagne (U. de Bourgogne)

Jeremy Strong (University of West London)


September 24, 5.30–7.00pm

Vasso Giannakopoulou (University of Cyprus)

Jerod Ra’Del Hollyfield (Carson-Newman U.)

Glenn Jellenik (University of Central Arkansas)

Lissette Lopez Szwydky (University of Arkansas)

Seda Öz (University of Delaware)

Iain Robert Smith (King’s College London)

Eckart Voigts (TU Braunschweig)

REGISTRATION: Please register using this link: ZOOM Registration Link for TO BE CONTINUED

Upon registration, you will be sent the Zoom details.

Note: When registering remember to set the TIME (4.00pm GMT) to your local time zone: e.g., BST 5.00pm, EDT 12.00noon, AEST 2.00am (+1 day).

For more details contact: con.verevis

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