
PUBL Escapes from Cayenne

Vient de paraître: Léon Chautard, Escapes from Cayenne: A Story of Socialism and Slavery in an Age of Revolution and Reaction, ed. Michaël Roy (Athens: University of Georgia Press, 2023) In September 1857, Léon Chautard, Charles Bivors, and Hippolyte Paon arrived in Salem, Massachusetts. These refugees from the French Revolution of 1848 were “homeless, penniless, […]

PUBL Escapes from Cayenne Lire la suite »

Nicolas Gachon: Bernie Sanders’s Democratic Socialism: Holding Utopia Accountable

Introduction This book provides a framework for understanding and analyzing Bernie Sanders’s democratic socialism, its origins, its maturation, and its evolution between 1972, when Sanders ran for the Vermont gubernatorial election for the first time, and 2020, when he made his second presidential run. The core argument is that Bernie Sanders’s characteristic brand of socialism

Nicolas Gachon: Bernie Sanders’s Democratic Socialism: Holding Utopia Accountable Lire la suite »