A19 / 22 et 27 mars: Poe et l'esclavage / Les imaginaires du choléra

Chers Collègues,

Pour rappel, voici le programme des deux prochaines séances du séminaire A19.

22 mars à 14h-16h : Paulin Ismard, "L’insu. Penser l’esclavage depuis la Grèce ancienne"

Le séminaire A19 (LARCA UMR 8225, Université Paris Cité/ VALE EA, Sorbonne Université) est très heureux de vous convier à une séance autour du livre de Paulin Ismard, Le Miroir d’Œdipe : Penser l’esclavage (Seuil, 2023) intitulée "L’insu. Penser l’esclavage depuis la Grèce ancienne.” Elle se tiendra le 22 mars à 14h en salle 830 (bâtiment Olympe de Gouges, Université Paris Cité) et sur Zoom (lien disponible sur le site : https://a19.hypotheses.org/ )

Paulin Ismard est Professeur d’histoire grecque à l’université Aix-Marseille.

27 mars à 17h30-19h : Michael Boyden, "Choleraic Communication in the Nineteenth-Century Culture of Invalidism"

Hybrid session: Sorbonne Université, English department library, salle Louis Bonnerot, esc. G, 2nd floor and zoom (link available at: https://a19.hypotheses.org).

The bacteriological revolution of the late nineteenth-century gave rise to a “new language of immunity” (Anderson), substituting for the earlier discourses of acclimatization that had been dominant up until that point. Not only did this new language of immunity articulate new modes of being in the world and forms of governmentality, it also generated new narrative models and tropes, such as that of the “healthy carrier” and similar “gothic” figures as analyzed by, among others, Priscilla Wald and Neel Ahuja. As these scholars acknowledge, however, the bacteriological revolution did not so much reject as reconfigure earlier doctrines of environmental and climatic determinism, which continued to inform understandings of disease transmission even as the focus shifted away from sanitation toward discrete pathogens or microbes. In my talk, I aim to contribute to a more historically differentiated account of such “outbreak” narratives by focusing attention on the autoethnography of American tropical health travelers at the time of the second cholera epidemic of 1832. Since this epidemic reached the American mainland before it arrived in the Spanish islands, its trajectory challenged the moralized geography according to which such communicable diseases were perceived, just as the Caribbean was developing into a health resort for northern invalids seeking a climate cure for their illnesses. These tensions run through the memoirs of American invalids residing in the region, such as Sophia Peabody and Ralph Waldo Emerson’s brother Edward. In my talk, I explore how these and other tropical health travelers – who might be regarded as the inverse type of the “healthy carrier” as theorized by Wald, while in some ways prefiguring current understandings of environmental illness – at once challenged and reconfirmed climate-based understandings of the world before the introduction of the germ theory of disease. My presentation, thus, is an attempt to rethink the ways in which we conventionally narrate and periodize the history of epidemic disease in terms of its causes (from demons, to miasmas, to germs).

Michael Boyden est professeur à Radboud University aux Pays-Bas et professeur invité à Sorbonne Université dans le cadre du programme Erasmus +.

Source: Thomas Constantinesco <thomas.constantinesco>

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