Publication Home, Sweet Home

Chères/chers collègues,
Je suis heureuse de vous annoncer la publication collective suivante :

Elisabeth Bouzonviller (éd.) “Home, Sweet Home”: Places of Belonging in Anglophone Narratives, Faro, Université d’Algarve editora, 2022, 287 pages.

ISBN: 978-989-9023-80-2 – (printed version).

Disponible auprès du centre de recherche ECLLA, Université Jean Monnet, Saint-Etienne ( « Myriam Chanudet » <myriam.chanudet>)

ISBN: 978-989-9023 – (electronic version)


Available at:



Reading Homes on the Map and Beyond

Elisabeth Bouzonviller

Chapter 1

Robinson Crusoe at Home in a Desert Island: Dislocation and the Sense of Home in Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe (1719)

Emmanuelle Peraldo

Chapter 2

Thoreau Living at Walden and Writing Walden in a Home of His Own: The Roots, the Village, and the Cosmos

David Latour

Chapter 3

Rented Accommodation: Houses in Novels by Hawthorne and James, Fitzgerald and West

William Blazek

Chapter 4

Houses and Rooms: Virginia Woolf’s Architectural Metaphors of the Self

Floriane Reviron-Piégay

Chapter 5

Home Bittersweet Home. Hemingway and the Maternal Sovereign

Rédouane Abouddahab

Chapter 6

American Wanderings and Anchorings: F. Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald’s Nomadic Artistic Home

Elisabeth Bouzonviller

Chapter 7

Driving Home. The Car as Domestic Space in Two Female Road Trips: Barbara Kingsolver’s The Bean Trees (1988) and Louise Erdrich’s Books and Islands in Ojibwe Country (2003)

Catherine Morgan-Proux

Chapter 8

“Home” in Ada Cambridge’s Early Works, or the Search for Belonging in the Colonial Australian Context

Alice Michel

Chapter 9

The Politics of Displacements: Homes within Home.

Salhia Ben-Messahel

Chapter 10

Cosmopolitan Homes or Haunted Homes? Unsweetened Stories of Home in Transnational Culinary Memoirs

Corinne Bigot

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