Teaching job Paris 8

Dear all,

The Centre de Langues at Université Paris 8 is currently searching for teachers to take on a range of English classes for the first semester (19th September to the 16th December 2022).

Class on offer:

English for science and technology (A2 level, 1 group) (English for maths and IT students, the course has to be on Mondays from 9 to 12 yet a booklet is available)

Each class represents 3h per week in a single block, for a total of 36h over 12 weeks

Teaching will take place on the campus of Saint Denis.
All candidates must be fully eligible for a vacataire contract – meaning you must fulfil one of the following requirements:

– to be able to provide an attestation of 300h hours/year teaching work from one principal employer (in France) over the entire 2022-23 academic year (if you are working in the private sector, a simple letter from your employer will do; if you are in the public sector, you will need an agreement from your institution called an « autorisation de cumul »)
– OR to be able to provide an attestation of 900h non-teaching work over the entire 2022-23 academic year
– OR to be enrolled in a PhD in France over the entire 2022-23 academic year
– OR to have been an auto-entrepreneur for over 3 years, with tax documents attesting that you have earned at least €9,000/per year during this period.

Payment is transferred after the end of the teaching semester, at the standard vacataire rate of 41.41 (gross) per hour.

Candidates should send their CVs to Anne-Claire Faucquez, adjunct director of English at the CDL: anne-claire.merlin-faucquez

Best regards,

Anne-Claire Faucquez
MCF Histoire et Civilisation américaine
Directrice adjointe du Centre De Langues « pôle anglais »
Responsable MEEF 2nd degré parcours anglais
Université Paris 8


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