Contact Us

Association Française d’Études Américaines

5 rue de l’École de Médecine
75006 Paris – FRANCE

Isabelle ALFANDARY, President
Monica MICHLIN, Vice President
Axel NESME, Vice President
Jocelyn DUPONT, Secretary
Jean-Baptiste VELUT, Treasurer
Amélie DUCROUX, Assistant Treasurer
Monica MICHLIN, Coordination of the Bulletin

French Review of American Studies
Antoine CAZÉ, editor, literature
Nathalie CARON, editor, civilization

Yves FIGUEIREDO, editor, civilization
Nathalie COCHOY, editor, literature
Géraldine CHOUARD, editor, Varia

Emmeline GROS, listserv
Jérôme VIALA-GAUDEFROY, web site