SEM REDEHJA Jeune Amérique 29 mars 2024

Chères collègues, chers collègues,

La prochaine séance du séminaire Jeune Amérique du Redehja aura lieu vendredi 29 mars, de 10h à 12h à l’Institut des Amériques, Campus Condorcet, Salle Nina Simone (6.040, 6e étage du Bâtiment de Recherche Sud).

Nous aurons le plaisir d’écouter Peter Mancall (University of Southern California) pour une présentation intitulée : The Poisoning: A War Crime in Early Virginia and the Origins of English America.

ABSTRACT: In 1623, during the second year of the second war between Powhatans and English in Tsenacommacah, 13 Virginia soldiers sailed up the York River to rescue a dozen colonial captives. After negotiating their release, the colonists distributed poisoned wine to 200 Powhatans. Later that day, the soldiers returned and shot fifty Indigenous, bringing back parts of their heads as war trophies. This act of poisoning was unique in the English conquest and colonization of eastern North America. While the English believed they were avenging the victims of a Powhatan surprise attack in March 1622 that had killed 347 colonists, the emerging European laws of war specified that poison should never be employed. In an age of horrific violence between Indigenous and colonizers, what can we learn from an investigation of this brutal crime?

Peter C. Mancall is the Andrew W. Mellon Professor of the Humanities; Professor of History and Anthropology; the Linda and Harlan Martens Director of the USC-Huntington Early Modern Studies Institute; and Divisional for the Humanities at USC Dornsife. He is the author of seven books including NATURE AND CULTURE IN THE EARLY MODERN ATLANTIC (Penn, 2018); FATAL JOURNEY: THE FINAL EXPEDITION OF HENRY HUDSON–A TALE OF MUTINY AND MURDER IN THE ARCTIC (Basic Books, 2009); HAKLUYT’S PROMISE: AN ELIZABETHAN’S OBSESSION FOR AN ENGLISH AMERICA (Yale, 2007) DEADLY MEDICINE: INDIANS AND ALCOHOL IN EARLY AMERICA (Cornell, 1995); and, most recently, THE TRIALS OF THOMAS MORTON: AN ANGLICAN LAWYER, HIS PURITAN FOES, AND THE BATTLE FOR A NEW ENGLAND (Yale, 2019). He is currently writing AMERICAN ORIGINS, which will be volume one of the Oxford History of the United States.

Les commentaires seront assurés par Augustin Habran (Université d’Orléans).
Augustin Habran is an associate professor of American studies at the University of Orléans, France. His research focuses on the relation between the American Federal State and Indian nations in the antebellum era and in the context of western expansion more generally. In line with the New Indian History, his work analyzes the strategies southeastern nations developed to resist American expansion and colonization. After having published several articles on the subject, he is currently working on a book derived from his Ph.D., entitled “The Southeastern Nations (1815-1861): Identity, Sovereignty and Strategic Mimesis through the ordeal of Removal”. He is also part of a research project carried out by Marie-Jeanne Rossignol and Laurence Cossu-Beaumont that aims at recontextualizing Alexis de Tocqueville’s considerations on American Democracy in the "Jacksonian" Era. He has recently published an article on that question, entitled “Alexis de Tocqueville in the desert: the unsuccessful quest for the authentic Indian in Jacksonian America”.

La séance est également accessible en ligne par le lien suivant :
ID de réunion: 962 7080 8296
Code secret: 217052

Le programme complet du séminaire est, par ailleurs, disponible sur le site du REDEHJA :

Cette séance du séminaire sera suivie d’une après-midi consacrée aux nouvelles publications sur la Jeune Amérique, à partir de 14h, dans la même salle :

En espérant vous retrouver nombreuses et nombreux lors de ces deux événements,

Bien cordialement à toutes et à tous,

Carine Lounissi (pour l’équipe organisatrice du séminaire Redehja)

Source: Carine Lounissi <carine.lounissi>

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