Dear colleagues,
The Environmental Humanities Workshop at LARCA invites Scott Slovic, on Wednesday, March 20, 5pm-7pm, Olympe de Gouges Building, Room 830, Université Paris Cité, upon the occasion of the publication of Voyager pour penser: Engagement, retraite et responsabilité écocritique (Toulouse, Presses Universitaires du Midi, 2023), translated by Françoise Besson. His talk is entitled: “Seeking a Discourse of Environmental Sensitivity: Psychology and Public Engagement in Voyager pour penser.”
Distinguished Professor Emeritus in Environmental Humanities, writer, and Senior Scientist at the Oregon Research Institute, USA, Scott Slovic is the author, among many other books and essays, of "Narrative in the Age of Precarity: Modeling Inner and Outer Weather through Story": in What’s the Weather Like (Ed. Jean-Pierre Naugrette and Catherine Lanone. Honoré Champion, 2020), co-editor of The Routledge Handbook of Ecocriticism and Environmental Communication (Routledge, 2019), and co-editor of Ecocritical Aesthetics: Language, Beauty, and the Environment (Indiana UP, 2018).
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All welcome!
Cécile Roudeau, Yves Figueiredo, LARCA UMR 8225, Université Paris Cité.
Source: Cecile Roudeau <cecile.roudeau>