Ending Slavery: The Abolitionist Struggle in Perspective (PULM 2022)

Chères et chers collègues,

Claudine Raynaud et moi avons le grand plaisir de vous annoncer la publication de Ending Slavery: The Abolitionist Struggle in Perspective aux presses universitaires de la Méditerranée.

Vous trouverez la table des matières et des informations complémentaires ci-après et ci-dessous : https://www.pulm.fr/index.php/collections/horizons-anglophones/pocopages.html

Bien à vous,

Lawrence Aje


Ending Slavery: The Abolitionist Struggle in Perspective

Lawrence Aje et Claudine Raynaud dir.

Montpellier : Presses Universitaires de la Méditerranée, 2022. Série PoCoPages, coll. « Horizons anglophones ».
ISBN 978-2-36781-448-3


Ending Slavery broadens the scope of the antislavery struggle beyond the national and domestic narrative to draw a map of a new transnational and differentiated geography of abolitionism. It aims at complicating our understanding of the antislavery struggle by offering an opportunity to rethink the relationship between the personal and the political in the antebellum period. Focusing on the post-1830 period, Ending Slavery also presents a new and ambitious periodization by extending its historical breadth, through Reconstruction, well into the present to examine contemporary representations and interpretations of the history of abolitionism. The book puts forward not only a reflection on the historiographical and memorial legacies of antislavery activity in the United States, but it also interrogates how this activism partook and still partakes in the long Civil Rights Movement for full social and political equality for African Americans. A collective enterprise that taps into and builds on recent research, the volume brings together historians and African-Americanists, a majority of whom are based in Europe. It ambitions to be a contribution that expands discussions and opens perspectives on the history of abolitionism. Suitable for general readers, students and scholars, Ending Slavery will serve as a useful resource in the area of slavery and Atlantic studies.


Lawrence Aje & Claudine Raynaud
Ending Slavery: The Antislavery Struggle in Perspective

I—New Perspectives on the Antislavery Struggle

Claudine Raynaud
Sojourner Truth or the Black Subject’s Lived Experience

Samantha Q. de Vera
Black Women in the Antebellum Colored Conventions Movement

Lawrence Aje
‘Devoted friends of the cause’? Assessing Antislavery Activity Among Free South Carolinians of Color, 1820–1865

Nathalie Dessens
Free People of Color in Nineteenth-Century New Orleans: From Class Consciousness to Radical Atlantic Activism

II—The Antislavery Struggle across Borders

Ousmane K. Power-Greene
King Cotton’s Exiles: African American Emigrationism, Abolition, and the British Atlantic World

Claire Bourhis-Mariotti
The Colored Conventions Movement, Emigrationism and the Quest for a Black Nationality, 1830–1858

Thomas Mareite
Mexico and Transnational Antislavery Connections in Nineteenth-century North America

III—The Antislavery Struggle Reappraised

Michaël Roy
‘A System of Lawless Violence’: American Abolitionists, Slavery, and the Law

Nathalie Caron
Abolition in the United States as a Religious Social Movement

Claire Parfait
Writing and Rewriting the Antislavery Struggle, from Reconstruction to the Civil Rights Movement

Renée Ater
Monument and Heritage Tourism: Memorializing Harriet Tubman and Thomas Garrett on the Historic Underground Railroad in Delaware


Bio-Bibliographical Notices