Catherine Collomp, Rescue, Relief, and Resistance: The Jewish Labor Committee’s Anti-Nazi Operations, 1934–1945

Cher(e)s collègues, je suis heureuse d’annoncer la parution de la version anglaise de mon livre, Résister au nazisme, Le Jewish Labor Committee, New York 1934-1945, CNRS Editions, 2016, traduit par Susan Emanuel.

Rescue, Relief, and Resistance



Published in April 2021 ISBN 978-008143-46204-7 Paperback, $36.99

Wayne State University Press.

364 pages, 6×9,

This book is the first study on the Jewish Labor Committee. Formed in New York City in 1934 by the leaders of the Jewish Labor Movement, the JLC came to the forefront of American labor’s reaction to Nazism and Anti-Semitism.One of its major accomplishments was the exfiltration to the United States of some 1500 refugees targeted by the Gestapo in occupied France. Among those saved from certain arrest and deportation were many intellectual or political opponents of the Nazi and the Mussolini regimes, as well as Polish Bundists and former Russian Mensheviks.

Beyond these episodes, the JLC was able to organize American Labor’s support of segments of the Resistance in Europe. In France, it participated in the financing of the labor and socialist network, following its contacts with the Free French. In Poland, it provided financial and moral support to the combatants of the Warsaw ghetto in their last stand against the Wehrmacht. « When the long night was over » it massively contributed to the reconstruction of Jewish life in Europe.

Situated at the crossroads of several fields of inquiry – Jewish history, immigration and exile studies, American and international labor history, Word War II – the history of the JLC is by nature transnational. It brings to the fore the strength of ties between the Yiddish speaking Jewish worlds across the Atlantic in New York, Paris and Warsaw.

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