Dear colleagues,
Please find attached the call for papers for special issue n° 20 of the French journal Genre en séries : cinéma, télévision, médias.
This special issue is entitled “Gender and Neurodiversity on Screen” (see the English version of the call for papers in the attached document).
We welcome submissions in French or English. Submissions must include: an abstract of 500-800 words in length, key bibliographical references and a short biographical notice. Abstracts should be addressed to the coordinators of the special issue (melanie.lallet; sandra.hamiche and marine.malet) with the journal in copy (genreenseries).
Abstract submission deadline: February 3rd 2025.
Notification of acceptance/rejection: March 3rd 2025.
Final paper submission deadline: June 30th 2025.
Submissions will be subjected to double blind peer review by members of the scientific committee for a publication in the spring of 2025.
Best regards,
Mélanie Lallet
for the coordinators
Source: Mélanie Lallet <melanie.lallet>