COLL. « The agency of plants in the literature and the arts of the French- and English-speaking worlds »

Dear colleagues,
Please find below the programme and registration link for our conference, « The agency of plants in the literature and the arts of the French- and English-speaking worlds, » which will take place at the ICP in Paris on the 15th and 16th of June 2023.

This conference is organised by members of the ‘Environmental Humanities’ research teams of the Research Laboratory on English-Speaking Cultures (LARCA – CNRS UMR 8225) of the Université Paris Cité and of the Catholic University of Paris (research unit ‘Religion, Culture & Society’, EA 7403).

You can find the programme of the conference on our blog:
Registration Link:

Organising committee:
Estelle Murail (ICP & LARCA – CNRS UMR 8225, Université Paris Cité)
Laura Ouillon (LARCA – CNRS UMR 8225, Université Paris Cité)
Delphine Louis-Dimitrov (ICP & LARCA – CNRS UMR 8225, Université Paris Cité